Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If You Give An AJ A Cake

AJ with cake 4 AJ with cake 5

I had a hard time deciding what kind of cake I would make for AJ's birthday. He loves strawberries, so they were a must. I went with a yellow cake, strawberry filling and Swiss Meringue buttercream. Now normally I want nothing to do with mice, but for some reason I had the little If You Give A Mouse a Cookie mouse in my head and this was the result:

Strawberry Cake

Strawberry Cake with Fondant MiceStrawberry Cake


Blog a Blurb said...

That cake is utterly charming. I can't quite figure how mice pull it off. They have quite the PR team!

MKHKKH said...

Very cute! Sounds delicious too!

Michelle said...

You're awesome, as his AJ's smile!

Kat said...

So, so cute!!!!! And it sounds yummy too! :)

Leeann said...

Perfect in every, every way,

It is SO NICE to have you back!

Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

Love it! Hope AJ had a fantastic birthday (has it been that long since you found out you were pregnant???? Where has the time gone?).

Judi said...

Your cake is adorable! I love it How did you make the little mice? I think they were perfect for a little one's birthday.
Happy birthday to him!
thank you for sharing
come by and visit..

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

What a cute cake.. the only thing cuter is that sweet smile.

Loralee said...

So fabulous. I love it.
