Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When The Boys Are Away...


Now that the boys are back in school Laney has been searching for ways to occupy her time. It seems there isn't much to do now that her "best fwends" are gone all day. She can't find anyone to put on armor and rescue her, contractors to build her Lego creations are scarce and there are no Jedis to join her in battle against evil, so we are giving ballet a try. You know, a girl just needs to be a girl sometimes, especially when the boys are away.

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Thimbleanna said...

Awww, what a cutie! Is she a big helper with the new baby?

Kat said...

Oh NOOOOO!!!! She is just TOO FREAKING CUTE for words! Seriously. I want to squeeze her.

And thanks for your awesome comment on moving. It really did comfort me. :)

Leeann said...

After Kathyrn squeezes her, can I take off her little ballet shoes and bite her toes because she is KILLING ME!!!


Bab's Kitchen said...

How Cute! My little girl wants to do ballet but she still two young.

MKHKKH said...

Could she be any cuter? She is growing up so fast!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Those are precious days!

Unknown said...

AWWWWWWWWWW! She is so stinkin' cute! I hope she enjoys ballet!

niki said...

Hey! I lost your new email. Send a message to me so I can invite you to our Matilda Jane party. Do you get out with 4? Hee! You can see our new home also. A little GW reunion, we are hoping.

katiedid said...

She is indescribabley adorable. It takes me back to my own little ballerina's. Even when on the soccer field, dancing was way more fun that chasing that ole' ball.