Saturday, January 26, 2008

Slow Motion

You know the saying "a day late and a dollar short", well, that seems to sum up me as a blogger recently. For example, here is a Friday Find on Saturday. I think about this time every year I start to feel like life is moving in slow motion. We are still busy as usual, but time just seems to inch along in the cold, snow and ice. Maybe we are all suffering from frostbite, or maybe it is because as a family we have spent a lot of time being sick this year. At the moment Owen has a double ear infection and a limited appetite, so when he requested pancakes for dinner last night I got busy.

Pancake Molds

We received these molds from my step-mom and, honestly, have not really used them. I attempted them once, but the pancakes stuck and all we got were blobs and a big mess. After seeing them used on another blog recently, I decided to give them another go. This time I used a pastry brush and a little bowl of vegetable oil to grease the insides and it worked really well, and unlike cooking spray I didn't get it everywhere. My other mistake was filling the molds too full, so this time I filled them halfway. That way when it was time to take the mold off and flip them over they came right out. Owen selected the duck and the cat and was happy as a clam and, so was I.

Pancake Molds

They are made by Norpro and among other places, you can find a good selection of them here. Wouldn't these be fun for Valentine's Day?


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Heather, hope you are all feeling better now. Love the cute animal shaped pancakes. How fun is that?


Janet said...

I used to make letter pancakes and spell my kids names. I just free handed a mirror image of the letter and when I flipped them they were perfect. So long ago!!


Unknown said...

AWWWWWWWW! I want to make fun shaped pancakes! How FUN!

Hope everyone is feeling better!

Mrs Furious said...

Matt was just remarking that you hadn't posted in a while and I snipped back "She's PREGNANT" (he has quickly forgotten how exhausting pregnancy can be) and he replied "or maybe it is because she's too busy with the kids while Sam is galavanting around on his bike." (apparently Matt & Ruby saw him out and about today)
Happy to see we were both wrong :)

Julie said...

I love those pancake molds. I am surprised that the Pam spray did not work though.

Peggy said...

think I will have to get some of those to make pancakes for the grands when they come to visit

Anonymous said...

I love the shaped pancakes. Yummy! Cute blog, too!